Sabine Lalande is born on the 25th of August, 1971, in Paris (France).
Since she was 16 years old, she took a great interest in the art of ceramic.
She began to study art to the College of the Applied Arts Auguste Renoir in
Paris, where she graduated in 1990 as a Technician and specialized designer
in ceramic. Then she left Paris to go and study to the National High School
of the Decorative Arts, located in Strasbourg in Eastern France, where she
followed her training for several years.
In 1993, she got her National Degree in Visual Arts, with Painting as
specialized subject. Two years later, in 1995, she obtained the National
High Degree in Visual Expression (MA), with Art as specialized subject, for
which she received the congratulations of the jury.
At that time, she decided that she would dedicate herself mainly to the art of ceramic